The News
What happens at Cato?
Bezoek Commissaris van de Koning provincie Gelderland John Berends
Commissaris van de Koning John Berends heeft op 16 juli jl. een werkbezoek gebracht aan Cato Composites BV uit Rheden. De aanleiding van zijn bezoek was dat Cato graag een bijdrage wil leveren aan de productie van medische FFP2 mondmaskers in Nederland.
Werkend aan een structurele oplossing voor het mondkapjestekort in Nederland
Manufacturing of FFP2 (FFP1) face masks
Cato Composites is working hard on the realisation of production capacity for FFP2 (FFP1) face masks and is adapting an existing automated production line for this purpose. We are applying our material knowledge, product development and lean manufacturing processes to set up manufacturing capacity of face masks using TPC thermoforming processes. Many thanks to all the partners who are supporting us in this matter.
Covid-19 update
With the appropriate safety measures in place, Cato Composites has been to continue its normal development and manufacturing operations.
We are very proud of our "Cato craft" team and thank all for there effort in continueing the excellent work in uncertain times. Thanks also to our customers and suppliers for keeping our operation going.
We wish all good heatlh, the best and hope for a normalisation our businesses and lives soon.
Cato will be present at the JEC World Exhibition in Paris 2019
At the show Cato will be present at the Holland High-Tech booth at JEC Composite Show 2019 and present its areas of excellence in thermoplastic composite technology and applications.

Rheden, April 18th, 2018
Cato Composite Innovations B.V. in Proeftuinproject Thermoplastisch Composieten
Cato neemt deel aan een proeftuinproject waarin een kenniscentrum en netwerk opgebouwd door samen te werken aan ontwikkeling van engineering, productiemethoden en productontwikkeling van thermoplastische composieten.
Press Information ISPO 2017
Oolsen® helmets introduces “the composite helmetlighter than carbon” - Hall 5 booth 630

What makes the Oolsen® bullit helmetso unique is the first world wide use of self-reinforced polypropylene composite material technology for the outer shell. This material is so light weight, ductile and impact resistant that is excels the performance of carbon fibre for helmets. The shell material is combined with ductile and robust EPP foam liner. The combination of these two high performance materials sets a new standard for best choice of construction materials for a protective helmet. It allows the helmet to be compact, lightweight and therefore offers the comfort that a helmet should offer: Protection and comfort but no weight.
In addition the helmet has a modular construction with dismountable neck protector and ear pads allowing the helmet to be made perfectly fit for use as a ski, skate or bike helmet. The helmet holds the full certification for these fields (EN 1077, class B – ski & snowboard EN 1078, bike & skate). Is available in three colours and two size M & L.

This product has been co-developed by Cato Composite Innovations (Cato) and Smartcap and is manufactured, sold and delivered by Cato Composite Innovations B.V. (Rheden), Netherlands.
Cato Composite Innovations, Hall A5 booth 630, is a company developing and manufacturing products using lightweight thermoplastic composite materials for sporting, consumer and aerospace products.
Rheden (NL), February 2nd, 2017
Oolsen® is a registered trade name of Cato Composite Innovations BV
Havelandsweg 8e, 6991 GS, Rheden, the Netherlands - +31 26 8450 350
Rheden, July 4th, 2016
Cato Composite Innovations is an official SBB training Company
Since July 2016 Cato Composite Innovations is accredited by SBB as a training company for technical engineering and business administration. Cato recognizes the need for qualified craftsmen and invests in education and training on the job through offering internships.
SBB is a cooperation between vocational education institutes and industry. Their aim is to offer the best practical education for students to improve their job opportunities. Industry will be provided with the craftsmen they need.

Rheden, January 15th, 2016
Im Memoriam Titus de Haan
We zijn diep bedroefd door het plotselinge overlijden van Titus de Haan als gevolg van een fataal ongeval op 30 december 2015 in Australië.
Titus werkte vanaf januari 2015 bij ons intern aan zijn afstudeeropdracht vanuit de Universiteit Twente, faculteit Werktuigbouwkunde. Zijn afstudeerwerk op het gebied van overmoulding van thermoplastische composieten was bijna afgerond toen hij besloot voor een korte onderbreking naar Australië te gaan. Tot onze grote spijt heeft hij de kans niet gekregen zijn goede werk en zijn studie af te ronden.
Gedurende de periode dat Titus intern bij Cato heeft gewerkt heeft hij doelgericht en met veel inzet aan zijn opdracht gewerkt. Daarnaast was hij betrokken bij het bedrijf en een dragende kracht tijdens onze verhuizing naar Rheden.
Wij wensen zijn vriendin, familie en vrienden veel sterkte en kracht toe om dit onvoorstelbare verlies te dragen. Onze gedachten zijn bij hen.
Cato Composites BV
Peter Boer, Joost van Lindert, Erik Froon, Emiel Tekampe, Cindy Freriks, Michel Jansen, Glenn de Vries en Nick Mientjes.
Rheden, October 23nd, 2015
Cato announces business relocation
Cato Composite Innovations BV today announced that it has relocated its offices, development and manufacturing plant from Doesburg (NL) to Rheden (NL). The new address, 10 km from Doesburg, is Havelandseweg 8e, 6991 GS Rheden, the Netherlands.
The move stems from Cato’s need for additional space to accommodate anticipated growth. The company’s development and manufacturing facility will triple in size, thereby paving the way for significant business expansion.
Commenting on the move, Joost van Lindert, Managing Director of Cato, said: “ We have seen great and consistent progress in many of our development and production projects, especially in the last year. Our new independent facilities located in the former premises of GE Energy Europe B.V. at “Industry Park Haveland” in Rheden, will allow us to meet our customer’s demand for production supply of thermoplastic composite components and parts. The relocation also includes an investment in equipment and personnel resources. We are growing our business and further expanding our position as one of the most experienced and best equipped companies focusing on thermoplastic composites components in the world.”
Cato Composite Innovations BV, Rheden (NL) is a company focusing on the development and manufacturing of (hybrid) thermoplastic composite components and provides large series light weight products for aircraft interior, personal (ballistic) protection, high speed machines, consumer electronics, luggage and sporting goods.
Contact person for inquiries:
Michel Jansen – – tel. +31 631972721
Doesburg, February 27th, 2015
Cato will be exhibiting at the JEC show in Paris again
Cato Composite Innovations will once again exhibit at the JEC show in Paris, the largest composites show worldwide, from 10th until 12th of March 2015. Besides several new applications we will also be showing our "tailored composite insert" concept, enabling injection moulding compaines an easy entry into the lightweight world of hybrid moulding.

Doesburg, April 11th, 2014
Cato will exhibit at the Fakuma show, Friedrichshafen
Cato Composite Innovations will exhibit at Fakuma - International trade fair, Messe Friedrichshafen in Germany from 14th until 18th of October 2014.

Doesburg, February 10th, 2014
Two thermoplastic composite pioneers are joining forces: Cato Composite Innovations BV and AMAC GmbH announce strategic partnership
Cato CI / AMAC Press release February 10th, 2014 - English
Cato CI / AMAC Pressemitteilung 10. Februar 2014 - deutsche Fassung
Doesburg, February 8th, 2014
Cato Composite Innovations BV becomes a member of Aachener Zentrum für integrativen Leichtbau (AZL)
We are pleased to announce that Cato has become a member of the “Aachener Zentrum für integrativen Leichtbau (AZL)”, Our membership enables us to use the resources of the AZL for our research and development activities on integrated mass manufacturing of thermoplastic composite parts and components.
Doesburg, March 8th, 2013
Cato Composite Innovations BV (Doesburg, NL) acquires equipment and technology from Cato Composites AS (Halden, N).
Cato CI Press release March 8th, 2013 - English
Cato CI Pressemitteilung 8. März 2013 - deutsche Fassung
Doesburg, February 11th, 2013
Cato will exhibit at JEC show, Paris
Cato Composite Innovations will exhibit at JEC composite show, Portes des Versailles in Paris from 12th until 14th of March 2013.
Doesburg, 5 Oktober, 2012
Im Memoriam Marcel Terhaerdt
Ontzet hoorden we afgelopen dinsdagavond van het plotselinge en tragische overlijden van onze collega Marcel Terhaerdt.
Marcel werkte sinds vorig jarig december enthousiast als projectleider bij Cato. Zijn competentie als gereedschapmaker voor spuitgietproducten en zijn praktische technische kennis die hij meebracht was voor ons enorm belangrijk. Hij ontwikkelde matrijzen en prototypes voor vaak complexe producten uit thermoplastisch composietmateriaal, een materiaal waarmee hij al snel vertrouwd was. De laatste maanden leidde hij ook de uitbouw van onze productie met de installatie van drie persen en aanpassingen aan de productieruimte.
Voor ons jonge bedrijf was Marcel meteen een dragende en drijvende kracht met veel passie, die zichtbaar plezier had in zijn werk. Het was zeer prettig en inspirerend om met Marcel samen te werken en we waardeerden hem enorm als mens. Hij zal daarom als collega en vriend zeer gemist worden.
Marcel is 43 jaar geworden en laat een gezin met twee kinderen na. Wij wensen zijn familie veel sterkte en kracht toe om dit onvoorstelbare verlies te dragen. Onze gedachten zijn bij hen.
Je collega’s van Cato Composite Innovations BV
Doesburg, February 1st, 2012
Development of components from biobased thermoplastic composites
Europe and Gelderland invest in a consortium of companies led by Cato Composite Innovations BV, Doesburg, which joined forces to develop lightweight and sustainable consumer products from bio-based thermoplastic composites. The development of commercial products in this material is new. This project contributes to the development of a knowledge region of bio-based composites and to the strengthening and expansion of the knowledge cluster "thermoplastic composites' in the eastern Netherlands. In the future, knowledge can be used for the further development of products which are light and sustainable, for example in the automotive and aircraft industries. The products have the advantage of being durable, lightweight and strong.
The consortium of companies consists of Cato Composite Innovations BV (Doesburg), Jadima Fiijnmetaalbewerking BV (Ede), Hulshof business cases BV (Lichtenvoorde), University of Twente and Indes BV (Enschede).

For the press release of the province of Gelderland click here (in Dutch).
Doesburg, July 2nd, 2011
Shoe Box Racing
Geir Bjönnes, a senior developer at Cato Composites, Halden (N) has built this drag race car and races it in a Scandinavian competition. With its low weight and 1800 hp engine, it accelerates from 0 to 270 km/h in 8 sec. Geir is continuously seeking to improve the performance of this car by tuning individual components. In fact, a very similar approach as the craftsmanship with which Cato Components are developed and manufactured in the factory of Cato Composites in Halden (N).
Rheden, July 4th, 2016
Since July 2016 Cato Composite Innovations is accredited by SBB as a training company for technical engineering and business administration. Cato recognizes the need for qualified craftsmen and invests in education and training on the job through offering internships.
SBB is a cooperation between vocational education institutes and industry. Their aim is to offer the best practical education for students to improve their job opportunities. Industry will be provided with the craftsmen they need.

October 23th, 2015
Cato Composite Innovations BV today announced that it has relocated its offices, development and manufacturing plant from Doesburg (NL) to Rheden (NL). The new address, 10 km from Doesburg, is Havelandseweg 8, 6991 GS Rheden, the Netherlands.
February 27th, 2015
Cato will be exhibiting at the JEC show in Paris again
JEC 2015
April 11th, 2014
Cato will be exhibiting at the Fakuma show, Friedrichshafen
Fakuma 2014
February 10th, 2014
Cato Composite Innovations BV and AMAC GmbH announce strategic partnership
Press release
March 8th, 2013, Cato CI, Doesburg (NL) acquires equipment and technology from Cato Composites AS, Halden (N)
Press release
February 13th, 2013, Cato exhibits at JEC 2013, Paris
Cato will be exhibiting at the JEC show, Portes des Versailles, Paris from March 12th-14th 2013 at booth J70.
JEC 2013
October 5th 2012, Im Memoriam Marcel Terhaerdt
Ontzet hoorden we afgelopen dinsdagavond van het plotselinge en tragische overlijden van onze collega Marcel Terhaerdt.
Im Memoriam
February 1st, 2012, Europe and the province of Gelderland (NL) invest in a Dutch consortium of companies led by Cato Composite Innovations BV.
The consortium joines forces to develop light weight and sustainable consumer productsfrom bio-based thermoplastic composites.
> more
July 2nd, 2011, Shoe Box Racing
Geir Bjönnes, a senior developer at Cato Composites, Halden (N) has built this drag race car and races it in a Scandinavian competition. With its low weight and 1800 hp engine, it accelerates from 0 to 270 km/h in 8 sec. Geir is continuously seeking to improve the performance of this car by tuning individual components.